Colorado Fires Show Need for More Fire-Resistant Homes

We are overwhelmed by the incredible devastation, loss of property, and loss of life caused by the Marshall Fire. Our thoughts are with the communities of Louisville and Superior.

As Colorado continues to build homes within the Wildland Urban Interface, the state should incorporate stronger building codes to mitigate future disaster. In the video linked above, Dr. Jennifer Balch, Director of EarthLab at University of Colorado Boulder, says, “we need to rethink how we’re building”. Experts say that, due to warming of the earth and continued growth in residential development into the Wildland Urban Interface, we need to be more proactive with the materials we use to build.

Check out the full interview for more on ways to make our communities more fire resilient.

CRMCA sends our condolences to the loss experienced and our wishes for the recovery of the Colorado communities impacted by the Marshall Fire. With that, we also send great appreciation to our first responders in their efforts to protect the Boulder County community. Here is information on how to help those affected by the disaster, please consider contributing if you are able.


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